This is really only a hack, though& generally you shouldn't rely on the lexical representation of an XML document. 不过,这实际是种花招,一般不应当依赖XML文档的词汇表达。
Return the chicken to the pan with the gravy and allow it to cook yet a little while longer, until it is ridiculously tender, almost coming off the bones. Then remove to a cutting board, hack into pieces and place on a platter. 把鸡肉放回带有肉汁的锅中,焖的时间稍微长一点,直至鸡肉变得很嫩,几乎要从骨头上掉下来。然后移到案板上,切成片,放到大浅盘上。
Do you think a film about an assassination attempt on Kim Jong-un and a hack on the studio releasing it could be unrelated? 你们拍了一部关于暗杀金正恩的电影,而黑客袭击了发行这部影片的电影公司,你们觉得这两件事之间可能毫无关系吗?
Known attacks have targeted South Korean infrastructure and Seoul blames its northern neighbour for a hack on a hydro and nuclear power plant earlier this year. 据称攻击目标为韩国基础设施,而且今年首尔谴责朝鲜黑进水电站及核电站。
I used one of them for a while, but it was missing what seemed an obvious feature, the ability to hack the addresses on fetched mail so replies would work properly. 我使用了其中一个一段时间,但是发现它似乎地缺少了一个很明显的功能&截取取回的邮件的地址以便于回信。
Was there a hack or a hacker on the PSP that really impressed you? PSP界有没有那么一个黑客或者是限免让你印象深刻?
Dallas Cowboys suffered an early setback as star mall Sanders hurt his hack in the warm-up and was forced to spend the first Boll on the bench. 达拉斯牛仔队比赛初期出师不利,他们的明星桑德斯在热身时背部受伤,上半场不得不坐在场外。
Far less known perhaps, is the JSON/ Array hack that allows a user to steal JSON data on Mozilla and any other platform with a modern JavaScript interpreter. 还有一种则鲜为人知,那就是JSON/数组攻击,这可以让某个用户在Mozilla上偷取JSON数据,其实只要是任何使用当代的JavaScript解释器的平台都会都可以实施该攻击。
People had to hack their BIOS to turn on visualization support. 人们必须刷BIOS来开启这一功能。
They hack into trustworthy sites directly and link to their own pages from there, piggybacking on good reputations to get better rankings. 他们直接侵入可靠的网站,将其链接到自己的网页,借用这些网站的良好声誉,让自己的搜索排名更靠前。
Not a great start for a man who is not yet formally in the race. Dallas Cowboys suffered an early setback as star mall Sanders hurt his hack in the warm-up and was forced to spend the first Boll on the bench. 这对这位还未正式宣布参选的选手来说可谓是出师不利。达拉斯牛仔队比赛初期出师不利,他们的明星桑德斯在热身时背部受伤,上半场不得不坐在场外。
Capistrano lets us deploy and rollback everywhere; git with github lets us all hack frantically on the same codebase then merge and deploy. Capistrano让我们得以随时随处部署和回滚;git加上github让我们得以争分夺秒地分头行动,再把代码合并到一起做部署。
We'll be hack on full rations tomorrow. 我们将于明天恢复全额定量供给。
This hack is based on my comment on the PHP online documentation. 这个插件是以我对于PHP在线文件的评论为基础的。
A hack attack on one of the biggest certificate authorities has brought into question the entire system and made many realize that the system is in drastic need of updating for21st century demands. 黑客攻击的证书颁发机构的最大一次袭击带来的问题已经成为整个系统并提出了许多实现,该系统在21世纪需要的是需求大幅更新。
How to Understand Hack on Internet 如何认识互联网黑客现象
But due to the increase of complexity of network and the popularity of hack tools, there are still some problems, such as lower detection rate, magnanimous of processing data, lack of theoretic support and so on. 但是由于网络复杂度增加,黑客软件的流行,入侵检测仍面临着检测正确率不高,处理数据量大和缺少理论支持等问题。